E-BOOK: Pretty, Powerful & Performing – Videos That Disrupt
Are you one of the 65% of online retailers who are still not using Facebook video ads? Be smarter than them and generate your revenue by using video ads at scale.
Is your e-commerce business still not taking full advantage of video ads? Did you know you can easily create amazing, mobile-friendly, editable video creatives that stand out?
Get the latest e-book from ROI Hunter and find out how to convert your static product images into beautiful video ads at scale to fill your funnel with relevant customers.
One might say that video works because humans are inherently lazy. When confronted with two options, static image or video, the majority of people will choose video. Maybe it is because video requires less active brainpower. However, ROI Hunter have looked at the facts and believe there is better reasoning behind it and you can benefit from understanding it for more efficient advertising. This article will highlight the key elements of how the human brain consumes videos and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage in ad creation.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Download the e-book here.