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Retailers urged to prepare for tablet computer shopping revolution

New research by the shopping search engine Shopzilla has revealed that consumers are increasingly using iPad and tablet computers when shopping on line. Shopzilla said retailers… View Article


Retailers urged to prepare for tablet computer shopping revolution

New research by the shopping search engine Shopzilla has revealed that consumers are increasingly using iPad and tablet computers when shopping on line.

Shopzilla said retailers should therefore be preparing for a ‘tablet revolution’, as online shopping via iPads and similar tablet devices is set to rocket in popularity, just as it has done in the US.
Although the iPad was only launched 12 months ago, Shopzilla’s new European findings revealed that 6% of shoppers already own a tablet and a further 20% are considering buying a device in the next year. The majority of owners said it was as easy to use for online purchases as a personal computer.
Shopzilla said the trend is set to mirror the US where the iPad is driving a revolution in e-commerce.  A recent US Shopzilla study showed that 12% of consumers now have a tablet device, and a further quarter plan to buy one in the next year. In the European survey, published today, an overwhelming 5-to-1 ratio name the iPad as their tablet of choice.
The research by Shopzilla of almost 5,000 online shoppers, conducted to launch new destination shopping site, also revealed:
– Nearly two thirds (61%) of iPad or tablet users said it was as easy to shop online with their hand-held device as it was with their personal computer

– The majority, 71%, had bought or would buy online using their device

– Dual-screen technology meant 70% of tablet users even watch TV while browsing shopping sites simultaneously

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– 53% of iPad or tablet users surveyed used their device to browse shopping sites with friends

– 27% of online shoppers currently used a smartphone to browse shopping sites with friends.

– 53% of online consumers used their tablet to share onlin shopping activitieswith friends.

Rachel Smith, business services senior director at Shopzilla, said:
“Since their launch in April last year, an astonishing 25 million iPads have been sold worldwide, and with one in five online shoppers telling us they plan to buy a tablet in the next 12 months, this is clearly set to be a huge trend for UK shoppers.”
The Shopzilla research was conducted in Europe’s three largest online retail markets: the UK, France and Germany.  It also revealed that almost 80% of current tablet owners view their device as an addition to their technology arsenal rather than as a replacement for an existing device.
Smith added: “The year of mobile commerce, which has been predicted for some time, is finally here. With the explosion of the tablet market we are seeing a seismic change, and the opportunity will be for the retailers who are first to get it right.”


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