K3 Thought Leadership: The future of retail is the connected customer experience
As part of our “Future of Retail” supplement series, Natalie Bruins – Head of Marketing at K3 Retail – discusses the future of Omnichannel and the connected customer experience.
Omnichannel enables retailers to seamlessly engage with their customers across all channels. It can significantly improve the customer experience by ensuring that as customers move from channel to channel, their context and history moves with them.
Consumers today expect this type of seamless experience from the companies they interact with most frequently. The promise of omnichannel back to the retailer has always been a better customer experience, barrier-free or frictionless shopping and enhanced brand differentiation.
The digital revolution has raised the bar for retailers. A retailer may offer a smartphone app, same-day delivery, personalised recommendations and even mobile or contactless payments, but if these capabilities don’t blend seamlessly across multiple channels, the customer experience will be inferior to that of a competitive brand who may do some or all these things well.
Never Miss a Retail Update!In the end, the customer doesn’t care about how many channels you make available to them. They just want to buy the way they want to buy, have their questions answered, their problems solved, and their comments
So, why do we keep talking about different channels?
Read the complete thought leadership piece here.