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Influencer marketing: stop selling and start sharing

How do retailers market their products to the masses? Kim Westwood, Shopping Links. Many businesses, particularly retailers are asking themselves the same question…How do I get… View Article


Influencer marketing: stop selling and start sharing

How do retailers market their products to the masses? Kim Westwood, Shopping Links.

Many businesses, particularly retailers are asking themselves the same question…How do I get my product introduced to more people and how do I get more customers to buy from my store? In essence, what type of marketing is going to net me the highest return?

The hype in marketing right now is centred around the ‘Influencer’. Marketing was once a mission to reach the greatest number of people possible, whereas now it requires a more strategic and targeted approach. As a retailer, it is now more important than ever, to target those people who are most likely to share your story with others. It’s often called Sponsored Social, Blogging or Influencer Marketing. It’s a strategic tactic to deliver your Brand’s message, leveraging digital, social and traditional ‘word of mouth’. It provides an opportunity for your Brand to have a meaningful conversation with your target customer through a person of influence who has developed a relationship with their followers built around trust and transparency. Marketing is no longer about selling or promoting; it’s about engaging and sharing.

Time and time again the data tells us that blogs are becoming the most trusted source of information about products. According to data collated by, 81% of women trust blogs and this trust drives action with 61% buying something that was recommended to them from a blog. What’s more, blogs as a social network lead the way when it comes to deciding what to buy, getting product information and finding out about new products.

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It’s exciting to see more and more brands turning to Influencer Marketing with great success. They are quick to realise the value of building long-term relationships with Bloggers who have a direct connection into their target market. The impact is immediate and for those Brands who take the time to build an ongoing relationship with these influencers, the long-term benefits are immense. So what’s the best way of incorporating ‘Influencer Marketing’ into your existing marketing strategy? What do you need to look out for and where do you find them?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to collaborating with Bloggers. The right influencer on Instagram may not be the best option for a blog post and vice versa. There are now plenty of agencies and websites that can help you source Bloggers and Influencers, depending on your budget and requirements. Some things to look for when sourcing influencers include:

1. Accessibility to verified data about the Influencer and their following. Influencer Marketing is an investment in your Brand. Be sure to ask for up to date data about the traffic and demographics of the Influencers audience before engaging with them. Better still, use a platform that enables Bloggers to connect their Google Analytics and social media accounts ensuring transparency of information about each and every Influencer. This will help you to make an informed choice about who is best suited to your Brand and business imperatives.

2. Level of engagement your Influencers have with their followers. Some Influencers have amassed a huge following in a relatively short period of time. It is super important, before you engage with someone, to check how much genuine engagement is happening between the Influencer and their audience. Do they reply to comments, do they have good sentiment with their followers? Are they genuinely creating a community and holding meaningful conversations about the content they share? You want to be confident that the Influencer you select is going to be responsive to questions that may come up about your Brand.

3. Type and number of followers and whether they are aligned to your target customer profile. Dig a little…take the time to browse around the followers of the Influencer you’re interested to progress with. The best results will be achieved when there is a good match between the Influencer’s followers and your target market. This will provide a mutually beneficial relationship for both the Blogger and your Brand.

4. Ability to track results. Don’t lose sight of the very reason why you’re reaching out to Influencers. Do you want more traffic to your online store? Do you want some Bloggers to attend your new store opening? Are you trying to increase sales or enter a new market? Be clear about what it is you’re trying to achieve from the outset and ensure you find a solution that will provide full transparency in terms of data and results. It is critical to be able to track which Influencers have been the best fit for your Brand so you can nurture and grow those relationships.

At Shopping Links we provide an easy to use Influencer Marketing Platform that will help you identify the most suitable Influencers for your Brand. We guide you through posting an opportunity in three easy steps, starting with the detail of your Brand; the type of Influencer required (including the level and type of influence); and lastly the benefits that you will provide to the Influencer which may or many not include payment, gifts and commission on sales.

With Shopping Links you can afford to activate your Influencer Marketing strategy today. It is so cost effective, regardless of whether your business is large or small, you can give it a try, learn, break new ground and ultimately reach new customers with very little investment.


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