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Data analytics expertise Is essential for a great customer experience

Commentary by Liz Parry, strategic account director at Teleperformance UK. In the latest edition of the National Outsourcing Association (NOA) Outsourcing Yearbook several leading industry analysts… View Article


Data analytics expertise Is essential for a great customer experience

Commentary by Liz Parry, strategic account director at Teleperformance UK.

In the latest edition of the National Outsourcing Association (NOA) Outsourcing Yearbook several leading industry analysts give their predictions for the year ahead in outsourcing.  

One of the key trends identified is that more and more companies are going to need help with data analytics and managing Big Data programmes in general. John Willmott, the chief executive of Nelson Hall even lists this as one of the key trends that will define outsourcing over the next year.

It’s certainly true that companies are making more use of their data and requiring better expertise. This news article highlights the global shortage of talent – people with expertise in data analysis are assured a job almost anywhere in the world right now.

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In the area of customer experience this has become a very important topic. The entire process of supporting customers has been turned on its head in recent years, with customers now demanding that brands come to them and converse on the platforms and channels they choose. 

This dramatic change in the way that customers demand support requires extensive monitoring of enormous databases – buzz monitoring. The companies need to find where their customers are talking about their brand and products and to then engage in those spaces. This is not trivial. The Internet is a vast space.

Even individual social networks, such as Twitter, have hundreds of millions of new posts each day. Keeping track of who is saying what and where requires dedication and strategic planning. 

However, this has become an essential part of managing the customer experience today. I agree with John Willmott’s view that this will start shaping many industries over the next year. Any executive planning how to manage their customers will already be exploring how to manage data analysis.

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