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CROWD offers Retailers free shopper metrics for Christmas period.

Smart Wi-Fi and customer analytics specialist say proof is in the pudding. With many retailers developing their omnichannel strategy for 2016 and beyond there is no… View Article


CROWD offers Retailers free shopper metrics for Christmas period.

Smart Wi-Fi and customer analytics specialist say proof is in the pudding.

With many retailers developing their omnichannel strategy for 2016 and beyond there is no doubt that new technology is opening exciting opportunities for retailers to deliver better customer experiences. Retailers are looking to gain a competitive advantage by improving loyalty, encouraging repeat store visits and ultimately increasing revenue.  

Recently in the press following their successful roll-out of their smart Wi-Fi CROWD solution to Clarks Shoes, Jade Solutions the owners of CROWD have decided that the best way to demonstrate their product is to provide retailers with a live trial.

Mark Brackley, Managing Director of Jade Solutions commented:

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“We decided that the best way for Retailers to measure how powerful the CROWD solution could be is to provide a free store trial. Although the shopper metric data we are providing is only a small feature of the CROWD solution, it can be installed very quickly and without any disruption to the store so it’s ideal for analysing Christmas store traffic.  We think it’s a really good offer as there is no risk, no obligation and no cost, yet it will provide really valuable data about store performance over a key trading period. In essence it’s a taster of what CROWD can do and a starting point for further discussion”

The trial will enable retailers to analyse key shopper metrics such as how many shoppers pass by and walk into a store location. Other metrics provided will include how long each customer spends per visit, how many customers are unlikely to make a purchase, how many are engaged and make a purchase and how often customers return to the store. The team at CROWD are also promising retailers who take up the offer a full report and briefing in January on key metrics and performance.

Non invasive install of Shopper Metrics.

With the busy Christmas period approaching Retailers want minimum disruption to stores, but the only requirement for the free trial is that the participating store has good 3G mobile coverage and can provide the CROWD team with a 13 amp socket at the front of the store.

“With the offer it’s basically a plug in, the shopper metrics trial doesn’t provide Wi-Fi to shoppers, so there isn’t much for the store to think about” Mark Brackley continued.

CROWD now impacting retail landscape.

CROWD is rapidly emerging as a leading omnichannel engagement platform provider for retailers, with several high street brands currently in discussions with Jade Solutions.  Only a few weeks ago David Mason, Head of Corporate Solutions at Clarks Shoes had commented on the impact of the CROWD Wi-Fi Roll out stating

The CROWD solution provided by Jade has surpassed our expectations and is enabling us to deliver an improved consumer experience in all of our stores, driving additional revenues along with increased consumer and employee engagement”

The full CROWD smart Wi-Fi solution itself provides users with a huge lake of easy accessible data with hundreds of performance metrics available, allowing retailers to see a real strategic picture of their whole business. Whether a retailer wants to compare customer loyalty and revenue on a regional or store basis or identify specific demographics and age profiles of customers, right through to analysing point of sale success via location analytics in any single store, CROWD allows this type of detailed insight.

Jade solutions themselves are a leading enterprise mobility specialist and their CROWD solution is a future proof package of integrated market leading technologies.   Jade’s technical background has been particularly advantageous in taking the CROWD Solution to market, as their knowledge means they can work alongside Retailers internal technical and IT teams to design, install, deliver and support CROWD at all project stages.

To find out more about CROWD or to take up the free shopper metrics offer contact Jade Solutions on 01925 295400 or visit

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