Stanfords on the move to Mercer Walk
Map and travel book retailer Stanfords is to move its historic flagship store in Long Acre in London’s Covent Garden to a new shop around the corner at 7 Mercer Walk.
Due to open next month, the 4,165 square foot store will be situated near to H&M, Hobbs and Jack Wolfskin.
Designed by Caulder Moore and fitted out by Bluecrow Projects, the store interior will feature a modern look with travel inspired installations. The retailer’s collection of furniture and globes will create a focal point in a double height feature ‘illuminated’ wall.
The store will also feature a bigger café than Stanfords’ current store with space for more than 25 covers, including in an outside seating area. Its “adventurous” menu will offer coffees from around the world and globally inspired foods.
Never Miss a Retail Update!In addition, the shop will feature a flexible space to enable Stanfords to continue to hold events such as book launches and signings.
Vivien Godfrey, chairman and chief executive of Stanfords, said: “This bustling location has helped our brand become a success since the day we opened in 1901, and we’ve had many famous faces start their journeys here, including Ranulph Fiennes, Michael Palin and Levison Wood.
“We are very excited to open our new London flagship alongside some inspiring new restaurants within the Mercer Walk development. Set in the heart of our home Covent Garden, our new store offers a great space to showcase our vast range. We will open the Stanfords Gift Boutique on the ground floor only in November before moving our entire stock after Christmas.”
The Stanfords signing follows a range of pop-ups occupying 7 Mercer Walk including a debut physical store for luxury sleepwear brand Desmond and Dempsey, and the biggest and most central pop-up to date for luxury interior brand Swoon.
Simon Taylor, property director at The Mercers’ Company, added: “The Mercer’s Company are delighted to be able to accommodate Stanfords on our Covent Garden estate and welcome them to a now fully let Mercer Walk. Stanfords’ long standing heritage is a huge asset to the area and we look forward in anticipation to the opening.”