Feather & Black hires new head of buying
Luxury bedroom furniture retailer Feather & Black has appointed a new head of buying.
Phillipa MacDermott has joined the business after a buying career spanning almost two decades which has included working within the lifestyle and home categories at Laura Ashley.
MacDermott said: “I have worked across many categories, including buying upholstery, bed linens, soft textiles, home accessories and lighting and have travelled across the world, working with amazing creative designers from the UK to India, exploring flea markets, fairs and stunning stores.”
After studying textile design in Huddersfield, MacDermott joined Arcadia as a buyers assistant. This was followed by a stint at fashion retailer Principles where she created orders, approved trims and selected buttons before embarking on a year’s travelling to explore India, Nepal and New Zealand.
Never Miss a Retail Update!At Laura Ashley, MacDermott specialised in bedlinens for five years, working with mills to create jacquards and printed fabrics. She then progressed to the lighting category where she developed new ranges for the home and garden.
She added: “I hope to build on the success of the Feather & Black brand by creating different lifestyle bedrooms for our customers to choose from. I am looking forward to helping customers create their own perfect bedtime through new furniture ranges, luxury mattresses and a range of accessories.”