Dunelm second quarter like-for-likes up 3.4%
Homewares retailer Dunelm grew its like-for-like sales by 3.4% in its second quarter as the company made market share gains.
Total revenue in the 13 weeks to 30 December increased by 13.6% to £297.5 million.
Andy Harrison, Dunelm chairman, said: “After a good first quarter, it is pleasing to see our sales momentum maintained with total sales growth, and like-for-like sales growth, of 13.6% and 3.4% respectively in the second quarter. This performance is driving our continued market share gains.
“Continuing rapid like-for-like online growth, of 36.8% in the first half, coupled with passing the first anniversary of the Worldstores acquisition, has helped our online sales grow to 16% of total sales in the first half (18.5% including Reserve and Collect). We are well on the way to becoming a genuine multichannel retailer.”
Never Miss a Retail Update!The company said margins in its core Dunelm business were maintained in the first half, although there was a sales mix impact on margins from the Worldstores acquisition and the higher participation of seasonal and end of season products.
The second quarter results meant that Dunelm’s like-for-like sales rose by 6% in the six months to 30 December.
Harrison added: “Overall, we remain on track, with good sales growth and market share gains, offset by margin mix. We are well positioned to deliver good full year profit growth, after a small reduction in the first half, largely due to the consolidation of Worldstores losses.”
Dunelm now operates 169 superstores after it opened five new shops in the quarter.