Dunelm like-for-likes up 4.2% in first quarter
Homewares retailer Dunelm saw its like-for-like sales increase by 4.2% in its first quarter as the company continued to develop its multichannel offering.
Like-for-like store sales rose by 1.3% in the 13 weeks to 29 September while like-for-like online sales climbed by 33.3%.
Nick Wilkinson, Dunelm chief executive, said: “We delivered a good trading performance in the first quarter. Our positive like-for-like growth highlights the strength of our customer offer which we are continually working hard to improve as we focus on our core business again under one brand, with one platform and one supply chain.”
Dunelm said its customers are increasingly making purchases via multiple channels including in-store tablets.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Wilkinson added: “We continue to improve the multichannel experience for our customers and our stores play a vital role in this. I am pleased at the progress we are making with tablet-based selling in store to offer our full product range to all our customers.”
During the quarter Dunelm opened one new superstore which was a relocation. It also launched a new marketing campaign across TV, radio and social media platforms.
The company said it is on track to launch its new web platform in the third quarter of the financial year which will enable it to offer a click and collect service.
Looking ahead, Wilkinson said: “Whilst we are cautious about the months ahead due to the level of market and customer uncertainty, I see plenty of opportunity over the medium term as we continue our journey to become the leading multichannel retailer in our sector, helping our customers create homes they love.’’