Interview: Deborah Garlick, CEO at Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace
World Menopause Day 2022 marks progress, but our work is not done yet says Deborah Garlick, CEO of Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace.
We talk exclusively to Deborah to find out more.
What can (and should) retailers be doing?
Firstly, retailers must commit to shaping a menopause friendly policy or guidance document that suits their exact needs. It’s important to recognise that no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to policies: every employer is unique and in order to have a successful menopause in the workplace policy, it must address the exact needs of their organisation.
There are two important things that we ask employers to ask their people when we start working with them: firstly, what is getting in the way of you being your best at work and, secondly, what can we do about it? Our overriding aim is to make menopause at work a normal conversation, raise awareness and, through training and education, give employers the tools they need to change the lived experience of menopause in their workplace.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Typically, this will include hosting talks and sessions with employees, shaping and implementing a bespoke menopause policy, engaging in comms plans and activities for colleagues and recruiting menopause champions to keep the drumbeat going at work.
What can retailers expect when working towards accreditation?
Working towards Menopause Friendly Accreditation is very much a journey and as soon as organisations become Menopause Friendly members with us, they will have immediate access to resources, support and ideas. As they work towards full Menopause Friendly Accreditation, they will see positive changes happening, even from very early on.
What does good look like?
Businesses may be aware they can sign a pledge to be menopause friendly but on its own that’s not enough to achieve a truly menopause friendly workplace. Responsible employers must also commit to raising awareness, educating colleagues, and making any necessary changes to physically improve and support the lived experience for those working through menopause. Even better, if they can demonstrate they have done this, they can apply for Menopause Friendly Accreditation.
Achieving Menopause Friendly Accreditation demonstrates that organisations are doing all they can and implementing all they need to do to support their colleagues. Menopause Friendly Accreditation is the only accreditation which has standards to achieve and goes far further than a simple pledge or promise. Many consider it a kitemark of excellence for menopause in the workplace. It’s a truly meaningful badge as it’s awarded only to employers who can demonstrate to an independent panel that they have put in place the right standard of menopause awareness, education, and support.
We already have some excellent examples of retailers who have achieved Menopause Friendly Accreditation including Sainsbury’s, the John Lewis Partnership and Boots. These leading retailers show what good looks like and people who work with us can learn from how other people have achieved their accreditation.
We are currently working with other retailers, including Holland & Barrett and DFS who, as members, are working towards accreditation. They all show what good practice looks like which should bring confidence to other retailers.