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COVID-19 guidance for hair and beauty businesses

Business Companion, in partnership with the National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF), has published a new bulletin for the health and beauty sector to support businesses… View Article


COVID-19 guidance for hair and beauty businesses

Business Companion, in partnership with the National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF), has published a new bulletin for the health and beauty sector to support businesses reopening by providing clear guidance on the latest government rules for operating close contact services.

Months in lockdown has led to understandable anxiety about the financial survival of many businesses in this industry; and now, as they reopen, many are likely to have legitimate questions and concerns about the procedures they need to follow to keep their staff and customers safe.

Every workplace should adopt practices that minimise the spread of COVID-19 among anyone who comes onto their premises. In the hair and beauty sector this is particularly important, since salons and barbershops bring people into close proximity to one another, often in the area of the head or face which is the ‘highest risk zone’ for spreading the virus.

The hair and beauty salons and barbershops COVID-19 bulletin includes up-to-date and practical guidance on things such as conducting health and safety risk assessments, COVID-19 risk mitigation measures, information to give to staff and clients, procedures you should follow around deliveries, how you should support NHS Test & Trace amenities for clients and staff, safe use of water systems and best-practice cleaning measures.

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One of the most important aspects of preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the hair and beauty sector is the correct use of PPE, face masks and face coverings. To support this, the bulletin features an easy-to-follow guide to the 12 things you need to know to get this right and for more general guidance on the safe use of PPE for businesses, Business Companion have also published a PPE bulletin for all manufacturers, importers and distributors during COVID-19.

Following this guidance will help to ensure the safety of everyone who works in and visits salons and give both businesses and consumers peace of mind that they are doing everything they can to protect each other during these difficult times.

For more information on the COVID-19 bulletins visit the Business Companion website.

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