Making menopausal consumers visible: Morrisons the latest to partner with GenM
Joining huge names in retail such as Boots, Tesco, Holland & Barrett and Sainsbury’s, Morrisons is the latest UK retailer to partner with GenM, the menopause partner for brands and home of the MTick.
This partnership will see Morrisons transform how they cater to the UK’s 15.5 million menopausal women, playing their part in delivering a trusted, vibrant and inclusive menopause marketplace to meet the demands of this underserved and overlooked audience.
Overwhelming independent research from GenM shows that women are demanding more from retailers:
- 80% of women want clear labelling of menopause-friendly products
- 87% of menopausal women feel overlooked by brands and retailers
- 66% of menopausal women feel brands and retailers don’t signpost menopause-friendly products clearly
In response to this data, GenM created the game-changing MTick – the world’s first universal shopping symbol to deliver trust and better signposting to menopause-friendly solutions – empowering women to improve their lived menopause experience and to thrive. Providing women with the opportunity and choice to manage their menopause their way, the MTick is used to signpost products that (regardless of category) can help relieve, ease or support one or more of the 48 menopause symptoms and signs.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Morrisons has begun reviewing its range of menopause-friendly products and is looking to implement the MTick instore and online as soon as possible. The MTick is exclusively available to GenM Partners and only products that meet the strict qualifying criteria of this accreditation can proudly display the symbol on packaging, advertising, marketing, online shopping pages, or at point of sale. The MTick is already visible on hundreds of product SKUs and is also positioned in Boots and Tesco stores across the UK.
This announcement comes as GenM exhibits the world’s first menopause-friendly aisle at LIVE 2024 (the UK’s leading retail conference), igniting retailers up to the purposeful opportunity of delivering a vibrant menopause marketplace to meet the demands of this underserved and overlooked audience.
On their GenM partnership, Michael Figg, Senior Buying Manager at Morrisons said, “We are delighted to join GenM as a Partner. We have seen the work GenM is doing to transform the menopause and we are proud to be part of this change. At Morrisons we want to play our part in making menopause support as visible and easily accessible as possible for our customers. We look forward to working with GenM to designate more space to menopause and to implement the MTick instore and online.”
Heather Jackson, co-founder of GenM says, “It is a very proud moment for us to welcome Morrisons to the GenM collective of almost 100 Partners. Like Morrision’s all of our Partners are committed to improving the menopause experience for all, including how we search, source and shop with trust for menopause products. It is testament to how deeply felt the need for change is that we are now partnered with almost all of the UK’s top supermarkets. We are excited to work closely with Morrisons to bring real change to ‘the change’ and we call on more retailers to follow this lead and take the menopausal audience seriously.”
“At GenM, we are working to bring visibility to this market of almost one billion menopausal women globally who currently feel underserved and overlooked by retailers and brands who they’ve trusted all their lives. Our overwhelming research shows that they are demanding more and they deserve better. With 15.5 million women in the UK currently in menopause, retailers can no longer ignore this audience. Understanding their needs and how they are feeling needs to be embedded into their business strategy, and the MTick sits at the heart of this, uniting brands on this common purpose. Menopause is a societal issue and, more than simply putting products on shelves, retailers have a role to play in normalising the conversation, breaking the taboo and delivering choice to enable women to control their menopause their way.”