Three out of four UK homes to go online
Three quarters of UK homes will be online by the end of the year, according to Ofcom research released today.
The new figures show that 70 per cent of UK adults now have the internet at home – with a further 5 per cent likely to sign up in the next six months.The research also highlights the reasons why some people are yet to go online, as well as ideas to boost internet take-up across the UK.
There are two main groups of people who don’t have the internet at home and don’t currently intend to get it – the self excluded and the financially excluded.
[b]Self-excluded [/b]
Forty two per cent of adults without the internet at home said the main reason was down to lack of interest or need.
The self-excluded tend to be older and retired and 61 per cent have never used a computer. This group shares a sense of indifference, with many struggling to express any reason why they should have the internet at home. Some also felt they were too old or believed that it is for younger people.
[b]Financially excluded [/b]
Thirty per cent of adults without the internet at home said the main reason was that it was too expensive or that they did not have the knowledge or skills to use it.
Half of respondents in this group cited expense or costs while 27 per cent said the cost of a computer or not owning a computer was their main reason for not having an internet connection.
Concern about not being able to afford the monthly payments is a factor among those who cannot afford the internet.