Portas Pilot applicant towns to receive millions in support
A multi-million pound package of support for towns and cities not selected by the government as one of the 27 Portas Pilots will begin being delivered by the Association of Town Centre Management next month.
This next phase of the government’s initiative will start on 5 September with a meeting in London organised by the ATCM and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies. The meeting will feature information on the full package of support, worth up to £5.5 million, and aims to build on the momentum started by the Portas Review by creating a community-led movement to develop high streets of the future that do not solely rely on retail.
The association is inviting all 392 towns where their MPs have agreed to back their town teams, as well as existing town and business improvement district managers who can provide insights into how to professionally manage town centres and high streets.
The ATCM said the event will be followed up with action across the country leading to a two-day “World Cafe of Ideas” this October in Birmingham, as well as a series of meetings in each of the English regions. In addition, mentors and other experts will engage on an on-going basis with each of the Town Teams which participate.