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New study shows marked rise in consumer acceptance of mobile commerce

New research has highlighted a marked rise in the acceptance of mobile commerce amongst shoppers. The 2013 Consumer Retail Survey by information management company Stibo Systems… View Article


New study shows marked rise in consumer acceptance of mobile commerce

New research has highlighted a marked rise in the acceptance of mobile commerce amongst shoppers.

The 2013 Consumer Retail Survey by information management company Stibo Systems found that the number of consumers who said that they had purchased a product online via a mobile device rose by 19% in the last year to reach 59%.

Furthermore, one in five respondents said that they had used a tablet to shop online, up from 5% in 2012 and 2% in 2011. However, the use of smartphones to purchase products dropped slightly while the use of laptops, although still the most popular method of purchasing, fell six points since 2012.

A third of respondents rated their mobile commerce experience as either excellent (10%) or good (21%). However, consumers still thought that mobile devices presented barriers to successful online retail, with 48% of those surveyed complaining that the screen was too small to satisfactorily read product information. A further 46% said they did not trust the security of their device. 

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Three quarters of respondents agreed it was “very important” to be able to access product information online. This was up 8 points from 67% in 2012, suggesting that consumers are becoming more sophisticated and selective in their online shopping habits. This was further illustrated by a 17% rise in the number of consumers who were put off from making a purchase due to a lack of available product information.

The use of mobile devices as a means of reviewing a product prior to purchase has continued to rise, with 46% of respondents  – twice as many as last year – saying they always or regularly used it for this purpose. 

Mark Thorpe, UK managing director at Stibo Systems, said: “Although every year is hailed as the ‘year of the mobile’, there is sufficient evidence in these results to demonstrate that mobile is now a legitimate channel for retailers, particularly with the recent rapid adoption of tablet devices.  

“In order to maximise its benefits, retailers should now pay full attention to mobile commerce, not only to ensure a satisfactory customer experience, but also to meet expectations and avoid disappointment, and the resulting lost sales that this may lead to.”



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