High Street Voucher Scheme opens in Ireland
Northern Ireland’s High Street voucher scheme kicks off today.
The objective of the £145million High Street Support Scheme is to boost local businesses following the drop in footfall brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Minister Lyons added: “By giving everyone aged 18 and over in Northern Ireland a pre-paid card worth £100 to spend in local high street businesses, we will encourage many more customers back through the doors of local retail, hospitality and services.
“By applying, receiving and ultimately using your Spend Local card in local businesses such as shops, hospitality and other services before November 30, you will be doing your bit to support your local businesses and the wider community.”
Applicants are asked to apply through the website, NI Direct. For verification purposes in order to reduce the risk of fraud and error, each applicant will be asked to provide their: name, address, age, gender, disability status, national insurance number, email address and telephone number.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Applicants also have the option of including a driving licence number to enable verification.
Once the applicant has completed the registration process their information will be checked against a number of government databases to verify their identity.
Eligible applicants should receive their Spend Local card within 7-10 days of making their application.