Changes to the Energy Technology List
The Energy Technology list is part of the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) Scheme for energy saving investments, which the Carbon Trust manages on behalf of Defra.
The ECA scheme is a tax relief that enables businesses to claim 100 per cent first-year capital allowances on investments in energy saving equipment listed on the Energy Technology List.
This means that any product you buy from the ETL, whether it’s a boiler, refrigerated display cabinet or air conditioners, you could claim an ECA against your taxable profits during the period of investment.
The criteria for the ETL changes annually, yet new products are added each month. The Carbon Trust is making the new Energy Technology List simpler for you to use – and easier for your customers to find your products. Look out for the new, improved website in the near future, where you can get email alerts on product additions and updates on the development of the scheme.