Asda launches major new study on green living
Asda is teaming up with the University of Leeds to create what it thinks will be the largest ever study on consumer attitudes to sustainability.
Over the next two-and-a-half years, the study will develop a lifestyle action plan focused on making sustainability more affordable and finding new ways to save customers money by helping them cut food waste. The study will also help shape Asda’s future strategy.
The supermarket said the research will include what is thought to be the largest customer panel in Europe, which will be solely focused on developing customer insight into greener, more affordable lifestyles and product choices. Called Everyday Experts, the panel will include 7,500 customers. The programme will also feature focus groups and messaging to be piloted at selected Asda stores.
Paul Kelly, Asda’s external affairs director, said: “Over the past two years we’ve already committed to passing on £800 million of savings to our customers through our sustainability initiatives by 2020. Our Everyday Experts tell us they want consistently low prices without compromising on sustainability.
Never Miss a Retail Update!“We’ve joined with University of Leeds in a UK first to help change attitudes to sustainability and to bring new, improved and affordable sustainable products to the shelf edge. Not only does this make sense for retail as a whole; it makes sense for customers and will continue to save them money in the long term.”
The University of Leeds will place a full time member of staff into Asda to lead the research, help shape communications and new product development, and examine large-scale shifts in customer behaviour.
Dr William Young, director of business and organisations for sustainable societies research group at University of Leeds said the it had a reputation for developing strategic partnerships and research projects.
He added: “We’re looking at what will work for the mainstream customer, and not necessarily those who are already committed to a ‘deep green’ lifestyle. This means working within people’s busy lives, desires and needs, so that reducing food waste for example becomes a habit and a way to reduce household food costs.
“This is an exciting partnership amplifying our research expertise to an enormous scale to which researchers rarely have access. We’ll be pioneering research methods and tools that will be significantly important in the move to a low carbon society.”