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Sainsbury’s trials till-free scan and go mobile payments

Sainsbury’s is piloting new scan, pay and go technology that will allow shoppers to pay for items in-store using their smartphone without visiting the checkout. Using… View Article


Sainsbury’s trials till-free scan and go mobile payments

Sainsbury’s is piloting new scan, pay and go technology that will allow shoppers to pay for items in-store using their smartphone without visiting the checkout.

Using the latest version of the retailer’s SmartShop app, the new service is being trialled in its Clapham North Station convenience store.

When using the service, customers can scan their shopping with their smartphones as they go and then pay through the app using Apple Pay.

With customers already using SmartShop in 68 Sainsbury’s supermarkets, the new ‘scan, pay and go’ trial is taking the technology to the next level. Instead of paying for shopping at a designated till point, Clapham customers can pay for their basket from anywhere in the store.

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Sainsbury’s group chief digital officer Clodagh Moriarty said: “Our teams are constantly working hard to bring new convenient shopping experiences to customers and we’re delighted to be the first grocery retailer in the UK to offer customers the ability to shop checkout-free. The latest version of SmartShop, with its new payment feature, will make it super quick for customers to get in and out of the store for those that want to scan, pay and go.”

Sainsbury’s will use customer feedback from the trial to develop and improve the experience before testing the technology in different store types and locations to learn more over the coming months.


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