Insight: study reveals supermarket shoppers’ voting intentions
A new survey designed to discover the voting intentions of supermarket shoppers in the run-up to the election has found that Tesco and Sainsbury’s shoppers favour the Conservatives while Labour is the strongest party for customers of Morrisons and Asda.
The study by GlobalData found that Waitrose was the most blue of all the supermarkets with almost half of its shoppers saying they intended to vote Conservative.
Meanwhile, shoppers at Lidl and Aldi were shown to be favouring the Conservatives after being Labour strongholds in 2010.
The figures show that the Liberal Democrats were in third place in all the grocers except for Aldi, where UKIP pushed it into fourth place. Lib Dem supporters were found to favour Sainsbury’s and Waitrose while Green Party voters preferred Waitrose.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Zoe Mills, retail analyst at GlobalData said: “While the Conservatives would hold Waitrose, Tesco and Sainsbury’s, and Labour would hold Asda and Morrisons, both Aldi and Lidl have swung to the Tories.
“Changing perceptions regarding the discounters have also seen more affluent consumers opting to do weekly shops at these retailers, as well as the discounters expanding into more locations where the Conservatives have greater support.”