Asda like-for-like sales down in fourth quarter
Asda has posted a 1.3% decline in like-for-like sales in the three months to 31 December.
In a statement, the supermarket said trading in its fourth quarter had been impacted by challenging market conditions, particularly within the clothing category.
Asda chief executive and president Roger Burnley said: “We continued to improve our price position versus the previous quarter, and year-on-year, whilst our trusted combination of great value and quality ranges with a touch of Asda personality resonated strongly with customers.”
The supermarket described the performance of its food business as stable and said sales of its premium Extra Special ranges climbed by 5%.
Never Miss a Retail Update!Its home shopping operation achieved double-digit growth with sales up 10.3% year-on-year. During the period, Asda rolled out a same day delivery service to 284 stores and piloted a one hour click and collect service in two shops.
The supermarket also refreshed seven stores in the quarter. This work included investing £5 million in the refurbishment its Edinburgh Jewel store. In addition, it began in-store trials in a number of shops with new partners such as Sushi Daily and Claire’s Accessories.
Looking ahead, Burnley added: “We’re ambitious to deliver even more for customers in 2020 and have entered the year with an even sharper focus on driving forward our strategy, which is anchored in saving our customers time as well as money.”