Mental Health Awareness Week – Useful information
The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 is anxiety and the campaign provides an opportunity for organisations to start a conversation and improving awareness around it.
A study from Mental Health UK reveals that over eight million people are experiencing anxiety at any one time, and the HSE estimates that 822,000 workers are affected by work-related stress, depression or anxiety every year. So, it is evident that anxiety will impact many of us both in the workplace and beyond.
Encouraging a workplace culture of openness around mental health has a positive impact on employee wellbeing, including the upsides to early noticing and signposted if needed, which support prevention and in some cases can reduce absence and improve productivity and engagement.
Further evidence from the Mental Health Foundation’s research on stress, anxiety and hopelessness over personal finances, showed that one in four adults reported being so anxious that it stopped them from doing things they want to do some of all of the time. Six in ten adults feel this way least some of the time.
Here are some useful resources:
- The Retail Trust have put together a series of useful resources which can be found here. Plus, following on from Mental Health Awareness Week, this year’s Together Fest will “celebrate the power of collaboration by bringing together retail colleagues to share tools and advice that will empower us all to live happier, healthier lives”. The event is on the 25th May 2023.